Numerology FAQs: What are Master Numbers?

I have done extensive research in numerology, and the information below is based on that research. You may find other references that define master numbers differently, but these are the ones that I found in my research.

What is a master number?

A master number is a multiple of 11, like 11, 22, 33, etc.  Unlike single-digit numbers (1 through 9), master numbers have different vibrations and meanings.

For instance, a "1" can mean "independent" or "leader".  An "11" does not mean you are doubly independent; it has an entirely different meaning, so it is good to learn what each number means.

Master numbers occur when we add numbers together. They can be exactly equal to a master number or a combination of other numbers, as shown below.

·        29 / 11:                2+9 = 11

·        38/11:                 3+8 = 11

·        47/11:                 4+7 = 11

·        56 / 11:                5+6 = 11

·        65 / 11:               6+5 = 11

·        74 / 11:                7+4 = 11

·        83 / 11:               8 + 3 = 11

·        92 / 11:               9 + 2 = 11


Other master numbers - 22 and 33 - do not have these underlying combinations and usually add up exactly to 22 or 33.

Master numbers can be found in a birth date, such as the 11th, 22nd, or 29th day of the month or the 11th month (November).

Master numbers can also be found in names when we add up the letters in a name. Names used in numerology charts can be birth names, changed names, business names, product names, events—just about any name.


What do master numbers mean?

A master number means that a person can live up to a higher potential than just a single digit. But it is challenging to always live up to your potential 24 /7! I like to think of the practical implications of being a "master." Here is what I have observed.

Master Teacher 11.  These people are not here to always teach in a formal setting or to groups. They may just be here to set a good example for other people.  When not fulfilling their potential, the Master Teacher 11 becomes a 2, because 1+1 = 2.  That means they are sensitive to other people's needs and can be diplomatic and interact well with others.

Master Builder 22.  This number can be quite the dynamo when it comes to building homes or just a large volume of work over time.  I have met architects who have a 22 birthday and have a love of building. There are also creative people, like Neil Diamond, who has 22 as a life path, having written over 70 hit songs and entertaining for more than 50 years. When not being a master, the 22 becomes a 4, because 2+2=4, indicating a need for structure and order.

Master of Consciousness 33.  This master number is also known as the "Christ Consciousness" number. I have personally known people with this number, and it is not an easy one. It is like always taking the high road, being ethical, and not compromising one's moral values.  Not a slacker by any means. When not being a master, they become a 6, since 3+3=6, most likely sticking to home, family, and caretaking responsibilities.

There are also Master Numbers 44 through 99, but they are rare, and I will include them in an upcoming book on the subject.

Are master numbers special?

In my research, I found that famous people who have had a good impact on our society have master numbers in their charts.  I will also tell you that infamous people - including famous criminals - also have master numbers.  There is no guarantee that having a master number earns you an angelic halo.

Some internet sources will make you think that Master Numbers are pretty rare and special. While they are infrequent, they are not rare. While I have done intensive research on the exact number of master dates over a span of 200 years, I think the example below will give you a general idea.

Each month has 3 master number days: 11, 22, 29.  Excluding leap years means there are 35 days a year with master numbers.

Since November—the 11th month—provides another 27 days (excluding the 3 days above), the total number of master days per year is 62.

Dividing 62 by 365 days means that 17% of the total annual dates have some master number.

These calculations do not include the numbers in names, just the birth dates.

Since there are 8 billion people on Earth, that means there are about 1.36 billion people with master numbers in their birthdays.  That's a lot of masters.

As I said, master numbers are infrequent, but definitely not rare.


How do you find your master number?

There are two places where you can find master numbers, in your birthday or name. If you are a business, you can use the day you started your business and your business name.

Your birthday or Life Path - the lesson you are here to learn.  Just add up the numbers in your birthday.  For instance, Barack Obama has a master number birthday:

Barack Obama’s birthday:  August 4, 1961

8 + 4 + 1 + 9+ 6 +1 = 29

2 + 9 = 11

To add up the numbers in your name, you can use this chart.  There are also free numerology calculators online, such as   But if you want to DIY, here you go.

Numbers for each letter in the American English Alphabet

#1 - A, J, S

#2 - B, K, T

#3 - C, L, U

#4 - D, M, V

#5 - E, N, W

#6 - F, O, X

#7 - G, P, Y

#8 - H, Q, Z

#9 - I, R

Are master numbers the same as angel numbers?

I don't think so. If you look online, you will see people referring to triple numbers, like 111, 222, 333, etc., especially if they see it on a clock.  For some reason, people claim that this is an angel guide speaking to you.

I subscribe to the theory that if you see a unique number on a clock or other place, you should pay attention to what you are thinking about at that time because you probably need some clarity on what you are thinking or feeling.


Master numbers are important

I believe master numbers are important and represent an exciting vibration. Master numbers can also explain why you feel compelled to teach others if you are an 11, why building tangible things is so important to you if you're a 22, or if you feel you need to contribute at a profound level to society, like a 33.

It starts with knowing your numbers.  Your numerology is easy to calculate whether you calculate your own numbers, read a book, or use an online calculator.

But if you need a deeper understanding of your numerology profile, please contact me here on my website.

Judy Michael

I enjoy helping executives and businesses succeed with targeted B2B writing.


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