Channeling for 10.26.2020

You probably wonder who I talk to when I record videos or write blogs. All I can say is that I am open to divine energies and it is amazing who will show up.

Earlier today, I recorded videos for the full moon on Halloween, 2020. It sounds like a doozy!  They said it would be a “door opener” (if we chose to go through it). It’s time to step up, be accountable, less distracted, and act on our own personal, divine truth. They (the divine energies) repeated that we are continually distracted by our daily lives and listen to people who provide solutions other than our divine truth.  So we need to be more discerning.

Let’s see what else they have to say.

Arch Angel Michael (my buddy):  For millennia, it has been the job of angels and personal guides to guard the physical and spiritual well being of people, sometimes encouraging them to act differently than they may otherwise do so. Free Will is still the “prime directive” as you may call it, so we can’t always interfere.  Unless we are invited.

If you feel you are in need of extra support, please ask us to come forward and help. You have to remember that the reason that you are in fear and distrust is not just that you are overwhelmed with uncertainty, but that many of these circumstance you have not faced before. You do not have a frame of reference for which to solve these problems. 

The dilemmas you and your societies now face are actually NOT new. They just have not appeared in this form before, where they are compounded in a short period of time. Your focus on a pandemic, economic disruption, and your own personal economies feel heightened because they are occurring in greater numbers, but also in more condensed period of time.

You could say that what is really collapsing is your concept of time.  Your fears are occuring in shorter, compacted pockets of time. Time has literally and physically speeded up, moving faster than it has before. That is why the problems seem so intense.

As an analogy, we offer this. If you were in a large field with 10 people, each person could have their own physical space, occupying their unique point of view in space and time. It would be separate from everyone else who also had their own distinct place in space and time.

But now, it is like all of the people in the field have been jammed into one space, one point in time, where they are rapidly experiencing everyone else’s reality. It is difficult to discern what is “yours” and what belongs to “somebody else”.

For an ever-so-brief moment in existence, you are all operating in a specific point in space and time that is overlapping with each other. The energy is incredibly intense.  Which is why there are more guardians, angels, and masters surrounding you than ever before.

Just invite us in.  We can help.

Time and space will change.  But only if you desire it to change. Many people will choose to stay in that collapsed point in time, piled on top of each other, not knowing they have a choice to do differently.

You have the choice to do and act differently. But it is only by separating yourself from others. It is by finding your own energy, your own truth, and what works for you without being overwhelmed by others.

How do you start to do that?  Easy. You spend time by yourself. Even if you have to sit alone, in a small room, away from your family, so you can start to feel what it feels like to be you, it is a start. Spending time in nature by yourself. 

As you start to become familiar with your own energy, you will start to feel and understand your personal truth.  And you personal truth will take you in new, sometimes unexpected directions.

It is time for truth, on so many levels, in your societies. Many of your societies are not working because of this instance where you are “piled on top of each other”, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

You can still work with your partners and loved ones as they find their own truth as well. Give them the space to “find themselves” and understand their own truth.  Once you know your new truths, you will be better able to navigate individually and together.

Ask us for help.  That is what we are here for. Listen to us as we encourage you to find your own truth, and your own way.

Just invite us in.

-----end of channeled message ----

I am always astounded by whatever they say, because I see images in my mind of what Arch Angel Michael (and other divine energies) are talking about.  In this instance, I could see people standing in separate corners of a large field, but then piled on top of each other, like 20 people living in a studio apartment.  Images of walking alone, being outside, or sitting in a closet as you take a breather were also pictures I saw.

Sounds like the ultimate in Social Distancing!

I hope this was helpful - pass it along if you wish!


Judy Michael

I enjoy helping executives and businesses succeed with targeted B2B writing.


Scattered but not lost